Monday, 12 May 2008

A Present For Aijay

I had wanted to do this for about seven months now, ever since I started blogging, however, time and events always seemed to conspire to put it on the back burner.

You know how you see people's 'names' on blogville and you sort of know them by their comments and with where they visit, Aijay was one I was reminded of by frequently seeing a car drive by with a personalised registration that closely matches her name although I had never been to her blog pages before today and our paths did not cross on blogville.

Again, a few weeks ago, I saw a post by someone I cannot now recollect, asking 'where is Aijay?', and I was reminded to write this. It took this long because the car would not 'sit still' until a couple of weeks ago when I went to make some purchases at Staples the stationers, and i saw it parked. Took a quick picture with my phone, and now, here we are Aijay, a present for you.


Thirty + said...


Jinta said...

* 30+ - i think afro's losing her grip

Thirty + said...

Chai Jintalicious Jintasco. You actually took the time to take the pix for 'our' Aijay.

See I knew it you! You are a sweet guy.

See me grinning from ear to ear.

Listen o, it's my Birthday later this month so you gats to find a car with Thirty + or a berra present. (Self & conceit coming in now, shey? Asko).

Lemme go carry iborun for Aijay.

Edirin said...

im 2nd let me read


Edirin said...

oh thats nice...

let me even go and check aijay

have a nice week jinta

ShadeCrown said...

errrr 3RD!!
Morning jinta :-D

QMoney said...

Am 4th,yup!!am soooo glad am beatin Afro to it right here!!!!

anonymous gal(retired blogger) said...

crap i cant even b first here.

anonymous gal(retired blogger) said...

crap i cant even b first here. at least afro was not 1st

anonymous gal(retired blogger) said...

homework 4 u look 4 a car wit my name...
im tryin to picture u takin time out to snap the sweet.

Jinta said...

30+ - jintalicious jintasco? you go kill me o. beta start looking for your 'thirty' car

* fresh - haha. thank you, have a fab one too

* sha - 3rd! how are you?

* qmoney - afro's taking a battering today

* anon gal - heard you 1st time! lol

looking for one with your name will be a challenge, maybe i'll find 'anonymous car'

anonymous gal(retired blogger) said...

'anonymous car' not bad wil manage it. well im off to Afros i hope she is ok.its strange 4 her not to have made an appearance.

Jinta said...

* anon gal - now that you mention it, i'd better check in on afro too. unlike her to slack

darkelcee said...

haaa that's sweet of you.

i support 30+ jare.There is something sweet about Uncle Akanji.

loads of hugs (def side hugs.lollllll)

Jinta said...

* darkelcee - only full frontal hugs for me o

Smaragd said...

awww Jinta, sweet.

y'all should leave afro alone o, maybe she's on strike but i'm sure she'll be back

that said, going to check on her as well...

Flourishing Florida said...

eh ya. how nice of u. pls, look out 4 a plate with FLOR or FlDA or RIDA. & pls, don't stop @ snapping picture. do ship it down

Jinta said...

* smaragd - thank you

* free flowing florida fruity fruits - now that's a plate worth having

Mommy said...

So I was visiting someone's blog and saw the way 30+ could not contain her joy for a 'tear leather car present waiting for Aijay'. Got here and found out its not just a tear leather; it's got her name written on it...or so I am meant to presume. I'm positive getting one with my name written on it wouldn't be difficult. Or would it...Jintaaaaaa? How are you today?

Okay so truely, where's Afro?

Eyin'ju Oluwa said...

That's nice.

Have a nice week*blowkiss*

Afrobabe said...

lmao....I am proud to say I am earning my pay this month!!!

Abeg who get link for better company for naija??? I am so tired, I need to relocate sharpish...

Afrobabe said...

Any chance of seeing any Afrobabe car or joint or club...or man???

Zayzee said...

no. i went through the comment and didnt find one by Aijay? u shy to collect ur gift?

nice one Jinta. me i no go ask for gift. and i definitely am not jealous. at all

In My Own Words said...

sweet, touching, thotful. hmmm...u have what birds want.

have a great week.

Jinta said...

* mommy - wish i had a pound for each person i owe a car. i would now be jinta trump

i'm well, thanks. how is you?

* 'sewa - trust all is well

* afro - ha. you showed. you're working this month? how dare they?

will be on the lookout for afro man

* uzezi - i know you wont ask for a gift jare, no min' them


lol! where is aijay?

Queen of My Castle said...

This is too cute. Now get searching for something with Queen inscribed on it...wait, that would be your...

Heart, yeah, your heart is inscribed with Queen, right? Right. Just checking. LOL

Sherri said...

how sweet!
can i call u jinta swerrie?

how u dey?

Aijay said...

Awww... Oh my, thank you Jinta. That was sooo sweet. See me blushing... I don't even know what to say. Thanks, I really appreciate this. :-)

PS: All u people requesting for urs, pls fall back. (lol) Well, except 30+ the bearer of good news, thanks a lot babes.

Eyin'ju Oluwa said...

U didnt even catch my kiss*weeping*

lol, hehehe

Naija Sutra said...

is there something im missing?? is everyone getting a free car, is this some sort of repeat of the oprah show?
if so, i want mine too, thanks....ill even give the address to send the car to

Jinta said...

* solo - i think she's come out of hiding

* QomC - for a moment, i thought you were going to say something else

* sherri - you can call me anything so long as you dont have the safety of 5000 miles between us

* aijay - you're welcome. nice to see you blush

* doja - i need to pay closer attention to you. your last few comments have been 'crazy'

* 'sewa - i caught it, kept it, for later. you'll see

* naija sutra - careful, the car may come with a driver

The Indecent One..... said...

i understand watchu mean, i feel like i know u too even tho i dont, and u lucky the pesin wey get the moitor no catch ya ass snapping him plates..Jinta, I am ready now **wide grin**

Jinta said...

* in my words - how did i miss you? hmmm. thank you. i'm sure one or two birds may not agree though

Jinta said...

* inde - ready for what, inde? *wider grin

The Indecent One..... said...

check ur email..that's wat...

Onome said...

hey i am....late as usual..nice gift..nice one bro nice one:-)

Simi Speaks said...

u are really a ladies' man arent u?!

In My Own Words said...

they won't agree ke?! they fitn't!

Joy Akut said...

whos aijay?

where do you stay? send me your addy sharpish, imma get a car with a plate FQ, drive round all the malls and stores, so i can get a post up here.


Queen of My Castle said...

I was gonna say something else, but then I remembered that this was not my castle, so...LMAO!

Jinta said...

* inde - checked

* onome - na african time, as usual. lol

* simi - is that a compliment, or an accusation? lmao!

* in my words - you tell'em

* fq - ok, you lost me along the way. *double sigh

* QomC - ah, i thot so. to your unwritten question, yes. and you have my permission to treat mine as your castle too

Jennifer A. said...


Unknown said...


Jennifer A. said...

U're romantic o...ahn ahn...look at that car!

darkelcee said...

because i didn't ask for my own car abi?

ok i have changed my mind, Jinta one cute Abeke! lollll

Ms. emmotions said...

ms prim and proper leaves frownin and wonderin wat the commotion is all about

Jinta said...

jaycee - i can be, when i dont have anything to lose

* olamild - indeed

* darkelcee - regardless, i still want my full frontal

* ms emmo - i guess it brings out the romance in women. are you romantic?

LG said...

jintara, take ur time o *smiling sheepisly*
n i want my own car too,an suv preferably *winks*

♥♫♪nyemoni♫♪♥ said...

LOL...How on point...

TheAfroBeat said...

Ok, i'm a tad bit confused, is Aije the blogger really the owner of the ride? Sorry for being a tad bit slow!

bumight said...

if you can get aijay a benz, i'm sure a maybach isn't too hard for u shey? *high hopes* Lol!

soupasexy said...

what? u no see my own, i see it almost everyday maybe i shd go take a pic by myself if no one else
no mind me, dont really know what i'm saying. my mind is

Allied said...

so where is allied?

Ms. emmotions said...

LMAO ...
jinta-gry isnt romance and love wat i preach?
u bet as romantic as the word romantic but i wasnt the one that came here initially - ms. prim and proper ' did

anonymous gal(retired blogger) said...

Kai Jinta i sense bankruptcy. poor u. get the car 4 the 1st person to not choosy anything from jaguar will do.
so u landin lag-hmm i c me wailin in the airport coz im stranded. the pilot will ask me who i was comin to see and i will wimper jinta-thats wat i cal him on the internet. instead of u 2 invite me to london-that one i will b there in the blink of an eye.

Jinta said...

* lg - i certainly can do the foto. dont know about the real car. lol

* 'moni - thank you. trust you're well

* afrobeat - dont know what to say short of suggesting you read the post again. lol...and this time, dont speed-read

* bumight - i'll get you a foto of a maybach

* soupa - your mind clearer now?

* allied - i'm searching for it

* ms emmo - you loosened up?

* anon gal - bankruptcy don dey chase my enemies now

Smaragd said...

So Lagos should be quivering in anticipation of the coming of JINTA..AA..AAAH.

ok o, we await ur royal Jintaness.

"Thanx for stopping by" lol (i read at LG's that u dont like that so i'll be sure to say it every time u stop by now, i'm pesky like that)

Eyin'ju Oluwa said...

Jintaaaaaaaa, you're too bad!!!

Stop making me think bad things:D

Jinta said...

* smaragd - ha. i like the idea that 'lagos is quivering in anticipation'. hmm.

* 'sewa - *jinta looks up, wide-eyed, in innocence*

ablackjamesbond said...

Jinta...u r in u have to do a post for every woman in blogville.

You dont have to look for my ride...its coming soon to a cinema near u.

Jinta said...

* blackJB - my kind of man. i was already bankrupt after the 2nd car request

Unknown said...

Lol @ Afrobabe's comments and Jinta's coment to QofC. Jinta, hmmm... thats all I'll say.

Aijay must be pleased you got her back, abi? Doubt if you'll ever see a car with naijalines on the reg. If you do, a TBA prize awaits you!

Jinta said...

* naijalines - 'fraid you've got to offer a bit more than a 'tba prize' to tempt me. lol

Rebirth said...

awwww..... how thoughtful... i want my own

Afrobabe said...

Jinta,I mentioned afro car, joint or man but I see u are only on the lookout for the man...

anyway, have you found him yet?

Jinta said...

* funms - thinking about it, me too

* afro - only on the lookout for the one that will present most value. and no, haven't found him yet; you know how hard that is?

guerreiranigeriana said...

you this you stopped car to take the foto?! thing the owner didn't see you...i would have been irate to see some man photographing my license plate:) go and find mine o!!!...please...*batting her eyes shamelessly*...

EXSENO said...

Now look what you have done. You have everyone thinking you are so sweet all the girls are falling in love with you. How you gonna top that? lol
Cute post.

AkaniZZle said...

hey jinta, how far

me i want one too oh,ah

anonymous gal(retired blogger) said...

i hope this time around laspapi has install an AC in ur room o. we wont want u to have another nitemare

Jinta said...

* g-nigeriana - dont know why you would've been irate to have a foto of your car taken, certainly not an illegal activity, unless it is a matter of state security, in which case...hmmm...g-nigeriana, do you have any confessions to make?

* exseno - i am sweet about a 10th of the time. i only have to ask if they can cope with the other 9/10th before they run off

* akanni - that's ok, right after i get myself one

* anon gal - you remembered that. i've raised the bar, he needs to have installed a gen that can carry all the a/c's. i cant come and die o., i'm too good-looking

darkelcee said...


jinta, we need to roll the drums and organize a proper naija welcome for you.

i will personally take up the arrangement.*wink*

princesa said...

I know you will get one for me too Jin darling.

You don reach Naija?


You this Jinta. Watch yourself. So, what? I propose that Doja hook you up with Kate and you just dey begin talk anyhow. na wetin.

If i catch you, you go hear winn

Flourishing Florida said...

update, update, update!!!!!!!!

Smaragd said...

dont 4get my buffday tomorrow o, even if u are on a plane! lol

The Indecent One..... said...


oya update jor..even me sef don update :p

@ Smargd, Happy buff day.....wat u doing?

guerreiranigeriana said...

nothing to confess...but in this era of 'terrorism' and the so-called war against it, i don't trust anyone taking down my particulars like that...come and update!...

Aphrodite said...

I love this blog!

Queen of My Castle said... you think we can get a proper update? Please? With cherries on top...

darkelcee said...

Dont you dare tell me that you couldn't update cos u are in lasgidi!

you had berra update now ( my laptop is available for rental.... as u didnt come with yours)

Eyin'ju Oluwa said...

You're in Lagos???? I have a list for you:D

In my head and around me said...

Jinta, I think the Neocounter people want you to pay this one they are telling all your readers that it is the FREE (in capital letters) version you still use.

You berra sort them out. You don't know what they will reveal next!!

Lighty 'neferet' Kopearl said...

laa ti aro. abeg jinta come out and play jo.

d present wey u give aijay don do. ahaah na wa o...

LG said...

Have u seen jinta? Have u seen jinta?
Who has seen jinta?????
anyone wit ueseful info shld pls report at ........... or call .......

*jinta where r u @

Unknown said...

Maybe we should start finding Jinta like we're finding N.I.M.M.O.

Solomonsydelle where are you, make you start the campaign for finding Jinta o.

Edirin said...

ok jinta, what is this

Update or else

O'Dee said...

So sweet.


Happy Nigerian Proclamation Day! Not sure what that is? Go find out, my brotha!

Allied said...

Uncle, Uncle.. please tell us a story.. i meant please update your blog...

AkaniZZle said...


Thirty + said...

Jintagry na wa for you, you escaped to avoid giving me my birthday present.

O ti si mehn, mistake. I am still holding on *30+ starts to sing* And I am still holding on....

Come back here sharpish and update with plenti apology to your peeps and a BIG BIRTHDAY gift to your one and only 30+. Abi you get another 30+ for blogville?!

The Indecent One..... said...

Jinta is fine people. He says to pass on the msg and dat u pple shud stop worrying, he is touched that y'all care but he is doing well. He is tied up at the moment but will return to blogsville as soon as he is in control of the situation. In the mean time he asks that u all remember him in ur prayers....
Thanx for all ur concern, will pass it on.


Afrobabe said...

If u r in naija please (Nicely said) bring kilishi for me...kiss kiss...

Afrobabe said...

Do you know anyone who knows anyone that works in the nigerian high commision here? pls holla at the info asap...infact sooner than asap...

For the love of me said...

jinta,jinta, where have you been?
Indecent one, how do you prove to us that your message is indeed from jinta?

The Indecent One..... said...

so I'm the 100th poster. Yay!

@ the FTLOM, watchu mean how do i prove to u? I didnt want to say anything on here b4 but with all the queries, i just thot i let y'all know he is fine. I am not allowed to say anymore on here but believe me, he is fine and he sends his regards to u wonderful fellow bloggers that show him so much love.
I'm afraid thats all i can tell u. :D

guerreiranigeriana said... jinta!'re worse at this updating thing than i am...

Smaragd said...

oya ur comments have reached and passed 100, come and update now?

Lagos is not third world ke, we have internet and it's even fast sometimes, so warristhemarra?

even Queen has asked u ever so nicely, Dark LC has offered her laptop, what more sir?

*scowling fiercely*

Smaragd said...

besides i'm tired of seeing Aijay's car jo, i'm jealous!

Woomie O! said...

Slothful blogger, where have you been???

And why hasn't aijay redeemed her lovely gift???...offer opens while stock lasts...can i reach out and grab it???
beats jumping bikes...LMAO!



Eyin'ju Oluwa said...

I miss youuuuu*mwahhhh*

The Activist said...

Abeg Jinta, update na. Today is 8/6/2008!!! Where r thou?

Mommy said...

Jinta honey...

That was nicely said. The next time I come here and see no update...

Edirin said...

jintah why now?

The Activist said...

Why r you Jinta??? Pls update. You have been missing in blogville for about a Month now. Why na?

guerreiranigeriana said...

...jinta baby...where the hell are you?...

The Indecent One..... said...

y'all be wasting ur time. I don deliver my msg. Jinta will be back shortly but not now...


Zayzee said...

where is jinta?

bArOquE said...

so have you found her??? please i'm looking for Isi, just incase your search party finds anything...

Allied said...

where are u?

Anonymous said...

abeg go update

BLOGVILLE IDOL 08 is coming soon..please check my blog for more details

Afrobabe said...

Jinta...has immigration carried you???

darkelcee said...


y now? i am sure he is cooling off with those "birds" in lagos!

In My Own Words said...

Jinta....aahhh! Your wit is sorely missed and we pray for your swift return.

It is well with you.

AuraSoul! said...

Haha @ Afrobabe...where at thou?